20th Fuel Branch Meeting Polish LPG Market

    Export formalities
Import formalities
Transport order
Place of delivery
Transmission of cargo
Costs of transmission
C EXW Buyer
Buyer Buyer From the plant
Place of delivery
M FCA Seller Buyer Buyer To the carrier
Place of delivery Buyer
C FAS Seller Buyer Buyer To the side of a ship (specified port of loading) Place of delivery Buyer
M FOB Seller Buyer Buyer Onto the board (specified port of loading) Side of a ship
M CFR Seller Buyer Seller Onto the board (specified port of loading) Side of a ship
Port of destination
M CIF Seller Buyer Seller Onto the board (specified port of loading) Side of a ship Port of destination Seller
Insurance min. 110%
C CPT Seller Buyer Seller To the carrier Place of delivery Place of destination Buyer
C CIP Seller Buyer Seller To the carrier Place of delivery Place of destination Seller
Insurance min. 110%
L DAF Seller Buyer Seller To the border
Place of destination
M DES Seller Buyer Seller Onto the board (specified port of destination) Ship in the port of destination
M DEQ Seller Buyer Seller To the embankment (specified port of destination) Embankement of the port of destination
DDU Seller Buyer Seller Place of destination
Place of destination Seller
DDP Seller Seller Seller Place of destination Place of destination Seller

Seller defrays
Buyer defrays
M Maritime transport
L Land transport
C Combined transport