20th Fuel Branch Meeting Polish LPG Market

The following informations are up to date and serve as an example.
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Wholesale prices of Orlen S.A.
Update Pb95 Pb98 diesel heating oil
2024-06-04 4935 5415 4906 4010
2024-06-05 4898 5392 4857 3978
2024-06-06 4905 5377 4858 3952
2024-06-07 4910 5381 4874 3957
2024-06-08 4914 5407 4881 3955
2024-06-11 4931 5487 4906 4012
2024-06-12 4952 5497 4943 4048
2024-06-13 4971 5491 4979 4101
2024-06-14 4975 5481 5013 4127
2024-06-15 4994 5501 5062 4174
2024-06-18 5001 5509 5090 4205
2024-06-19 5011 5524 5117 4235
2024-06-20 5024 5526 5148 4257
2024-06-21 5040 5509 5160 4226
2024-06-22 5057 5554 5169 4235
2024-06-25 5065 5545 5152 4218
2024-06-26 5065 5580 5142 4209
2024-06-27 5065 5576 5148 4215
2024-06-28 5073 5600 5161 4228
2024-06-29 5073 5591 5162 4225
Net prices in [PLN/m3], include the excise tax.
Wholesale fuel prices of LOTOS
Update Pb98 Pb95 diesel heating oil
2024-06-04 5415 4935 4906 4010
2024-06-05 5392 4898 4857 3978
2024-06-06 5377 4905 4858 3952
2024-06-07 5381 4910 4874 3957
2024-06-08 5407 4914 4881 3955
2024-06-11 5487 4931 4906 4012
2024-06-12 5497 4952 4943 4048
2024-06-13 5491 4971 4979 4101
2024-06-14 5481 4975 5013 4127
2024-06-15 5501 4994 5062 4174
2024-06-18 5509 5001 5090 4205
2024-06-19 5524 5011 5117 4235
2024-06-20 5526 5024 5148 4257
2024-06-21 5509 5040 5160 4226
2024-06-22 5554 5057 5169 4235
2024-06-25 5545 5065 5152 4218
2024-06-26 5580 5065 5142 4209
2024-06-27 5576 5065 5148 4215
2024-06-28 5600 5073 5161 4228
2024-06-29 5591 5073 5162 4225
Net prices [PLN/m3], include the excise tax.
Fuels average Polish refineries
Update 2024-07-27
Pb98 5482,60
Pb95 4937,40
diesel 4952,80
heating oil 4019,80
Net prices [PLN/m3] in 15 degrees Celsius of reference temperature, include the excise and road tax.